Monday, October 20, 2008

Reading Compulsory 11

Date/day: Senin, 20 Oktober 2008
Tittle: Mohammad Wiston
Writer: Dalal Al-Alami
Source: Atfalona


Prophet Mohammad { May peace be upon him} was well known in Makkah. All Quraish respected him for his truthfulness, honesty, and his fair juggement. When Mohammad was about thirty five years old, people in Makkah decided to rebuild Kaaba. They worked seriously for days. After the work was finished, the tribes could not agree as to which tribe should have the honor to put the Black Stone in its place. While they were arguing among themselves, one of them said: " Instead of quarreling who should have the honor of setting the Black Stone in its place, let us agree on one thing". Every body became quiet as he continued: " We will wait until the first person passes by here. We will ask his opinion, and all of us will listen to his suggestion". This seemed reasonable and every one agreed. They waited to see Would pass by. After a few minutes, Mohammad was walking by. All of them started shouting together: " This is the honest man, Mohammad". They told him the problem and asked him for advice. Mohammad thought for a while. All the tribes were looking at him to see to which tribe he would grant the honor.

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